Take a little time from the Chillicothe Downtown Open House this weekend, and the lighting of Yoctangee Park with “Shine On Chillicothe,” to visit the jewel in the park.
This month’s “Brushstrokes of the Heartland” double show at the Pump House Center for the Arts has only another week left before the free public art gallery is filled with holiday cheer. (The free skating rink is next door, too.)
The November show opened on the 7th, and returning barn artist Dr. Robert Kroeger and local artist Lanny Stout introduced their art.
1 of 2 Double Show at Chillicothe's Pump House Center for the Arts
2 of 2 Double Show at Chillicothe's Pump House Center for the Arts
Kroeger has the main floor lined with his oil paintings of barns throughout Ohio and the Midwest, framed with barn wood. Stout has the mezzanine filled with oil paintings of his travels and life, as well as gourd paintings and sculpture.
And, the Pump House has posted on their Facebook page: “Dr. Kroeger will be back on Saturday the 30th to give several short talks on the barns he has studied and painted. Having just gotten back from Scotland touring stone barns, he loves to share his stories. Stop by to listen starting about 11:30.”
Read about his previous appearance in my April 21st story.
Coming up next month is the Holiday Show at the Pump House, opening December 5th. The Pump House has posted on their Facebook page that they have an extended deadline for entry forms through Wednesday, with spaces still available and no entry or set-up fee to sell your holiday-related art (or art-related holiday decor).
Learn more on the Facebook page of the Pump House. Yoctangee Park will be lit tonightsoon after 6pm.
Find more in the article on the Scioto Post, including two videos.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for the Scioto Post and iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact Kevin Coleman or the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom.
1 of 2 Returning barn artist Dr. Robert Kroeger is introduced at the opening.
2 of 2 Local artist Lanny Stout gives a tour of his artwork.