Chillicothe Council to Vote on Sewer Fee Increase, Start Time Change

Monday evening, Chillicothe Council gave the first reading to a sewer rate increase.

Pat Patrick said her committee modified the automatic annual 2% rate increase for both city water and sewer fees - the increase for water was transferred to sewer for a total of 4% there.

She also said it costs more to treat the water, but the city's sewer rates are lower. In addition, the sewer plant needs many repairs and improvements - which Patrick has highlighted planning, and wil, again in a review session August 5th.

She says the sewer increase will be 27 cents on a minimum bill, and 55 cents for the average family.


Council heard that their start time will change.

Dustin Proehl said council's rules need to be adjust every now-and-then. This time...the clock is involved.

He said the change from 7:30 to 7:00 should make it easier for the public to attend, for council members to get home earlier, and for the viewing public to tune in at the top of the hour.

An attempt to do that a couple years ago was opposed because a member of city administration attended city school board meetings. That is no longer an issue.

Council president Bruce Arnold said the time change will start after the third reading plus 30 at the end September or beginning of October.


Council also passed the ordinance prohibiting spreading grass clippings in the street because of their potential slickness, especially to motorcyclists.

And Dave Tatman also said the expense of returning Second Street to two-way in the downtown will need to be in next year's budget...and there were concerns about it in his committee meeting.

Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture

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