Chillicothe City Council OK's 4 Pieces of Legislation at Monday Session

Council members passed ordinances relating to fees the Chillicothe Water Department will charge for water taps, appropriating $25,000 for Utilities Department water meters, appropriating $46,062 for technology upgrades at the City Administration Building, and appropriating $2,275 for telephone and Internet services at the Law Director's Office for the rest of 2020.

Council also heard the second reading of a proposed ordinance that would adopt the revised Utility Department Rules & Regulations, amending it to remove the section that pertains to account responsibility falling on land owners. A public meeting regarding this legislation has not yet been scheduled but will be held prior the third reading at the next Council meeting.

At Council's next session, a third reading is set for an ordinance adding Section 917.20, Duty to Collect and Dispose of Items After Eviction, to the Codified Ordinances. Members will also hear a second reading of an ordinance authorizing the mayor to grant personal leave to new or rehired non-bargaining employees who have extended experience or knowledge. 

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